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18 June 2024 - 19 June 2024
Bruxelles, Belgium
Tech4Smart Cities 2024

Tech4SmartCities 2024 aims to offer reliable match making opportunities through B2B meetings supporting needs & solutions for the development of  sustainable and digital technologies that can be applied in a smart city context.

To ensure the reliability of information, EEN support offices will screen and validate registrations before they will be made visible on the website. Please understand that this validation process may take some days but has the objective to increase the quality of the event for all participants.

A clear and concise organization description and at least one clear marketplace item to raise your visibility on this platform is mandatory!

You can always contact your regional EEN support office for help with the finalization of your profile if required.

Important points

This B2B matchmaking forum is looking to help partners to further improve and develop their innovative technology / product / service and is not a unique ‘buyer – seller’ event. The B2B matchmaking forum should similarly not be used by consultants to sell their advisory services to clients. The organizers reserve the right to refuse participation. 

As this is an on-site only event, with restricted room availability, registration is limited to one participant per organization. Exceptionally a second registration of the same organization / company could be accepted, provided that the service, product, technology or expertise is distinctive from the other registration.

It is adviced to book your travel arrangements only once your registration has been accepted and has a valid, completed profile description. Incomplete registrations without a marketplace description will be rejected.

Cancellation policy

In case of cancellation of the event due to health measures taken to combat the spread of virusses such as Covid-19 by Enterprise Europe Brussels/hub.brussels, hub.brussels cannot be held responsible for the participant's loss of the costs incurred for his/her participation in the event. The participant cannot claim any refund or compensation following the cancellation of the event for those reasons.

Closed since 14 June 2024
Maison de la Poste, Rue Picard 5/7
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Organised by
Participants 74
Meetings 179
Belgium 36
United Kingdom 8
Slovakia 4
Netherlands 3
Poland 3
Romania 3
Cyprus 2
Ukraine 2
France 2
Armenia 1
Austria 1
Lithuania 1
Türkiye 1
Spain 1
Switzerland 1
Bulgaria 1
Brazil 1
Iceland 1
Latvia 1
India 1
Bosnia And Herzegovina 1
South Korea 1
Total 76
SME 19
Company 18
Start-up 13
University 11
Association/Agency 7
R&D Institution 3
Authority/Government 3
Other 1
Total 76
Profile views
Before event 3403
After event 324
Total 3727